本地开发一切正常,代码上传到服务器,只要一运行php start.php restart,回车的一瞬间,整台服务器就挂掉,只能重启服务器,屡试不爽
5-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23785] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23729] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23737] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23851] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23791] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23757] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23816] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23756] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23767] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23889] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23885] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[plugin.webman.redis-queue.consumer:23759] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[plugin.webman.redis-queue.consumer:23052] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23749] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23762] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23787] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23722] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23739] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23789] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23807] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[plugin.webman.push.server:23680] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23883] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23805] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[plugin.webman.redis-queue.consumer:23585] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23769] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23754] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23813] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23833] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23723] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23745] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[plugin.webman.redis-queue.consumer:23687] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23806] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 worker[webman:23732] exit with status 9
2025-01-13 17:16:10 pid:22569 Workerman[start.php] has been stopped
"require": {
"php": ">=7.2",
"workerman/webman-framework": "^1.5.0",
"monolog/monolog": "^2.0",
"saithink/saiadmin": "^3.1",
"illuminate/database": "^11.36",
"illuminate/pagination": "^11.34",
"illuminate/events": "^11.34",
"symfony/var-dumper": "^7.1",
"laravel/serializable-closure": "^2.0",
"kriss/webman-eloquent-ide-helper": "^1.2",
"webman/console": "^1.3",
"webman/push": "^1.0",
"ext-json": "*",
"overtrue/wechat": "^5.0",
"psr/container": "^1.1.1",
"webman/blade": "^1.5.5",
"symfony/cache": "^6.4",
"psr/simple-cache": "^3.0",
"php-di/php-di": "^6.3",
"doctrine/annotations": "^1.14",
"ext-simplexml": "*",
"ext-xdebug": "*",
"webman/redis-queue": "^1.3",
"coraxster/flysystem-aws-s3-v3-minio": "^1.0",
"jenssegers/mongodb": "^5.1",
"ext-imagick": "*",
"godruoyi/php-snowflake": "^3.1",
"predis/predis": "^2.3",
"ext-redis": "*",
"fukuball/jieba-php": "^0.34.0",
"ext-openssl": "*"
这不科学啊,我本地开发8g的本子,内存都毫无波动,服务器32g的内存,并且是php start.php start的一瞬间,整个系统都不动了,就算内存泄漏也不会一瞬间就把服务器打爆吧?
所以你开了多少进程 这个先确定下
看了下代码,默认是cpu核心数*4,我服务器是56 核的,难道是进程开多了?我试试修改一下
果然,我修改成 'count' => 4 就好了,谢谢你的提醒,56*4,200多个进程能把我服务器打垮
200多个进程不会打垮服务器啊,才 8GB