php artisan workerman option start --d
class Option
protected $serviceName = 'option';
public function start()
Worker::$pidFile = '/www/wwwroot/'. env('APP_DOMAIN') .'/public/option.pid';
private function startBusinessWorker()
$worker = new BusinessWorker();
$worker->name = $this->serviceName . 'BusinessWorker';
$worker->count = 1;
$worker->registerAddress = '';
$worker->eventHandler = config("workerman.{$this->serviceName}.eventHandler");
private function startGateWay()
$context = array(
'ssl' => array(
// 请使用绝对路径
'local_cert' => '/www/server/panel/vhost/cert/'. env('APP_DOMAIN') .'/fullchain.pem', // 也可以是crt文件
'local_pk' => '/www/server/panel/vhost/cert/'. env('APP_DOMAIN') .'/privkey.pem',
'verify_peer' => false,
// 'allow_self_signed' => true, //如果是自签名证书需要开启此选项
$gateway = new Gateway("websocket://",$context);
$gateway->transport = 'ssl';
$gateway->name = $this->serviceName . 'Gateway';
$gateway->count = 1;
$gateway->lanIp = '';
$gateway->startPort = 2300;
$gateway->pingInterval = 30;
$gateway->pingNotResponseLimit = 1;
$gateway->pingData = '{"type":"ping"}';
$gateway->registerAddress = '';
private function startRegister()
new Register('text://');
Workerman[workermanoption] stop
Workerman[workermanoption] not run
Workerman[workermanoption] start in DAEMON mode
stream_socket_server(): unable to connect to tcp:// (Address already in use) in file /www/wwwroot/xxxxxxx/vendor/workerman/workerman/Worker.php on line 2245
centos7 + php7.2 +mysql8